P E N N S Y L V A N I A W I L D L I F E N O . 7 Landscaping for Wildlife: Trees, Shrubs, and Vines landscape. The table on pages 3­4 lists Selecting Plants the fruiting period for many trees, andscaping for shrubs, and vines. L I Select plants that provide a year- wildlife can round source of food. Oaks, hickories, beech, and other trees restore critically Many woody plants produce soft mast that produce nuts provide food for needed habitat and (fruit) or hard mast (nuts) that provides mammals like squirrels, chipmunks, and food for both birds and mammals. When beautify your yard at deer, and for birds such as bluejays. selecting plants, choose a combination These are often large trees, which also the same time. Many that will supply food throughout the offer shade from the summer sun and excellent native trees, year. For example, blackberries and nest sites for many birds. Many other raspberries provide fruit in summer and shrubs, and vines offer plants, such as grapevines, provide are consumed by catbirds, chipmunks, multiple benefits including an abundant four seasons' interest rabbits, and other wildlife present in food supply, dense cover, and nest sites. with their fragrant your yard at that time. Dogwoods, mountain ash, and spicebush produce flowers, eye-catching Although we often associate butterflies fruit in late summer and early fall and with wildflowers instead of woody fruit, brilliant fall color, are an important food source for fall plants, the larval caterpillars feed on a and sculptural forms migrants. number of woody species. For example, in winter. The same tiger swallowtail caterpillars feed on the Make sure to include some plants that leaves of cherry, willow, sassafras, trees; plants can attract a retain their fruit through and the spicebush swallowtail, true diversity of wildlife winter into early spring, the to its name, feeds on spicebush time of greatest food with the food, cover, leaves. By providing a food scarcity. These plants source for the caterpillars, you and nest sites they generally produce fruit will attract more butterflies to supply. This fact sheet that is not highly pre- your flowers. ferred, so the fruit is not presents guidelines for consumed during the fall I Select plants that provide selecting woody plants when other foods are cover and nest sites. (trees, shrubs, and abundant. Examples are Cover is a key ingredient in hawthorn, crabapple, vines) and designing the success of your wildlife holly, highbush cran- garden. In winter, wildlife your landscape with berry, and staghorn species need shelter from the the goal of providing sumac. They are excel- cold and wind. Evergreen trees lent plants for wildlife wildlife habitat. and shrubs make some of the because they offer emergency winter food, and some, such as sumac with its red fruiting spikes, can add structural interest to a bleak winter Wild grape 2 best shelters, especially those which protect during the lot-clearing process. keep their branches close to the ground. Talk with your builder about the These evergreens give better insulation Red squirrel importance of preserving an assortment than plants without branches on the of different plants for wild species, lower part of the trunk. They provide including dead trees that won't be a shelter for many types of wildlife, safety hazard. Either rope off areas of particularly if they are located on the your lot or mark plants you wish to be northwest side of your lot where they spared. Include plants that can give block cold winds. year-round cover, food, and shelter. Evergreen trees, such as pines and Trees are often damaged during build- hemlocks, and evergreen shrubs, like ing. Bulldozers can damage tree roots rhododendron and holly, make safe, while compacting the soil, making it year-round retreats where birds and impossible for oxygen to reach the root small mammals can hide from predators cells. The result is plant injury or death. and be protected from inclement Piling soil more than three inches above weather. Deciduous shrubs with dense the original ground level around the branching habits also make good cover. trunk can also block the oxygen supply. Examples are raspberries and blackber- In addition to protecting trees from root ries; lilacs (which readily sprout damage, you will need to shield trees suckers); red-osier, gray, and silky from bark injuries. For more informa- dogwoods; and elderberries. Many of tion on protecting trees during building, these shrubs also produce berries that see A Guide to Preserving Trees in wildlife readily eat. Diverse types and Development Projects, available from sizes of cover plants are useful to include your county extension office. in your landscape plan, because indi- vidual species of wildlife have different cavities are in short supply, you can (text continues on page 5) preferences in the amount and location enhance the habitat for cavity nesters of cover. by adding nest boxes. Fallen trees provide cover for sala- manders and small mammals. Brush piles and rock piles are sources of cover, Designing Your Landscape nest sites, and den sites for many wildlife species. A trailing ground cover, As you design your landscape, let nature such as a ground rose, or a vine such as be your guide and try to copy what you Virginia creeper can gracefully camou- see in nature. Plant trees and shrubs in flage your brush or rock pile, blending it groups instead of as isolated individuals. with other landscape features while Plant corridors to connect islands of providing an additional source of food trees and shrubs with other natural and cover. areas. Whenever possible, plant combi- nations of tall trees, smaller trees, Nesting places are vitally important for shrubs, and herbaceous plants together. wildlife. Trees and shrubs that offer This is important because different types cover from predators and inclement of wildlife will find food and cover at weather also serve as sites for birds to varying heights. Chickadee build nests and raise their young. Tree cavities in both living and dead trees I Protect what is there during provide nest sites for a variety of species building. including woodpeckers, nuthatches, If you are building a new home, there chickadees, flying squirrels, and gray are probably trees, shrubs, and vines squirrels. When nest cavities are scarce, already established on the property. cavity nesting species will often use bird Before building, you should determine houses and nest boxes. Consequently, if which of these plants you want to 3 Landscaping trees, shrubs, and vines with value for wildlife NAME HEIGHT (FT) WILDLIFE VALUE EXPOSURE FRUIT/SEEDS AVAILABLE Tall trees American beech 70 Excellent food source for many birds and PS-S Fall to winter (Fagus grandifolia) mammals; nest sites Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) 60 Cover; nest sites for robins, mourning doves, FS-S Late spring to and other birds; seeds consumed by finches fall Birch (Betula spp.) 40-70 Catkins eaten by birds, foliage by browsers FS-PS Early summer to fall Black cherry (Prunus serotina) 60 Food for a variety of species, including FS-PS Summer to fall birds, mammals, and larval butterflies (leaves) Butternut (Juglans cinerea) 100 Cover, food, and nuts FS-PS Fall to winter Eastern hemlock 70 Nest sites and cover; food for birds and FS-S Fall to winter (Tsuga canadensis) small mammals Eastern red cedar 40 Cover, food, and nest sites FS-PS Fall to spring (Juniperus virginiana) Eastern white pine 100 Cover, food, and nest sites FS-PS Fall to winter (Pinus strobus) Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) 30-60 Fruit attracts many species, including cedar FS-PS Fall to spring waxwings, flickers, cardinals, and robins Hickories (Carya spp.) 80 Nuts, nest sites FS-PS Fall to winter Oaks (Quercus spp.) 100 Important food source for both birds and FS Late summer to fall mammals; nest sites Sour-gum, blackgum 100 Fruit attracts many mammal and bird species FS-S Late summer to fall (Nyssa sylvatica) Yellow birch 32-72 Nest sites and seeds, buds; seeds eaten by PS-S Late summer to fall (Betula alleghaniensis) goldfinches, juncos, chickadees Small trees American crabapple 30 Fruit relished by many songbirds and FS Fall to spring (Malus glaucescens) mammals; butterflies, bees seek flower nectar American holly (Ilex opaca) 30 Cover, nest sites; fruit draws songbirds, FS-PS Late summer to spring ruffed grouse, deer American mountain ash 40 Fruit attracts many birds, including cedar FS-PS Late summer to fall (Sorbus americana) waxwings, eastern bluebirds, gray catbirds, and brown thrashers Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) 30 Eastern bluebirds, grouse, mammals consume FS-S Late summer fruit; butterfly larvae feed on foliage Flowering dogwood 40 Fruit consumed by many birds including cedar FS-PS Fall (Cornus florida) waxwings, catbirds, and robins; currently infected by dogwood anthracnose, so not recommended for planting Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) 25 Good nest sites for birds; fruit for cedar wax- FS-PS Fall to spring wings, fox sparrows, small mammals, deer Persimmon 50 Fruit consumed by many birds and FS-PS Late summer to (Diospyros virginiana) mammals winter Red mulberry (Morus rubra) 60 Many birds and mammals attracted to fruit FS-PS Summer Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.) 30 Robins, cedar waxwings, rose-breasted All Early summer grosbeaks, and other birds and mammals consume fruit Shrubs American elderberry 13 Fruit, cover, and nest sites for many birds, All Late summer (Sambucus canadensis) including robins and catbirds Blackberry, raspberry 6 Berries provide abundant summer food; FS-PS Early to late summer (Rubus spp.) nest sites for birds, cover for small mammals continued 4 Landscaping trees, shrubs, and vines with value for wildlife (continued) NAME HEIGHT (FT) WILDLIFE VALUE EXPOSURE FRUIT/SEEDS AVAILABLE Shrubs, continued Butterfly bush (Buddleia spp.) Up to 15 Flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies FS Summer to fall Common spicebush 12 Veery, wood thrush, and other fall migrants FS-PS Late summer (Lindera benzoin) feed on the high-fat fruits; spicebush swallowtail feeds on leaves Coralberry (Symphoricarpos 6 Hummingbirds attracted to nectar; songbirds FS-PS Fall to spring orbiculatus) and gamebirds enjoy cover, fruit, nest sites Dogwoods (Cornus spp.) Up to 8 Many varieties of dogwoods are S-PS Summer to early fall attractive landscaping shrubs and provide fruit and cover for wildlife Highbush blueberry 12 Eaten by a variety of species, including FS-PS Summer to fall (Vaccinium corymbosum) orchard orioles, eastern bluebirds, grouse, black bear, and mice Highbush cranberry 17 Red fruit often lasts through winter; consumed FS-PS Fall to spring (Viburnum trilobum) by ruffed grouse, wild turkey, brown thrasher Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) 15 Fruit persists through winter and is an FS-PS Summer to spring important emergency food for a variety of birds in early spring Viburnums (Viburnum spp.) 10 Many varieties of viburnums are attractive S-PS Summer to early fall landscaping shrubs and provide fruit and cover for wildlife, particularly in late summer and during fall migration Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) 10 Winter food source PS-S Late summer to winter Vines American bittersweet to 20 Fruit, cover, nest sites; important winter FS-S Fall to winter (Celastrus scandens) food source Clematis (Clematis virginiana) Climber Abundant white flowers offer nectar for FS-PS Spring to summer hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators Trumpet honeysuckle to 50 Nectar for butterflies, moths, hummingbirds; FS-PS Summer to fall (Lonicera sempervirens) cover, fruit for birds and small mammals Trumpet vine Climber Hummingbirds attracted to flowers FS Summer to fall (Campsis radicans) Virginia creeper 30-50 Cover and fruit for birds and small mammals S Late summer to spring (Parthenocissus) lasting through winter Wild grape (Vitus spp.) High Cover, food, and nest sites for birds and FS-PS Late summer to fall climber small mammals Exposure: FS-full sun PS-part sun S-shade Dogwood Hawthorn 5 I What will the ultimate dimensions of Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 3, Questions to Ask When this plant be? How much space will it Managing Habitat for Eastern Bluebirds Planning, Selecting, and need? Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 5, Planting It is good to site a plant where it can reach normal size without excessive Meadows and Prairies: Wildlife-Friendly pruning. Plants placed too close to Alternatives to Lawns To avoid problems, there are questions buildings or driveways may not grow Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 6, you should ask nursery personnel when well or live long. Nursery personnel can Attracting Hummingbirds you select plants and develop your tell you what the mature size will be. landscape plan. Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 8, Gardening for Butterflies I Which exposure is best for this plant I Will this plant produce fruit? (north, south, east, or west side of the You may be selecting a plant because of All are available from your county house)? the value of its fruit for wildlife and be extension office. Some plants need a shady, cool location disappointed to discover it does not on the north side and do poorly in the produce fruit. Many ornamental trees warmth of a southern site. Others and shrubs have been bred to produce Authors require full sun and protection from no fruit. For example, ornamental fruit Ursula Sherrill, wildlife extension prevailing winds. Fruit and nut-bearing trees, such as flowering cherry, flowering assistant, and Margaret C. Brittingham, plants normally need full sun to produce peach, or flowering plum, usually associate professor of wildlife resources a good yield. Most nurseries can tell you produce only showy flowers and no fruit. how much sun your plant will need. You Acknowledgments can also observe the environment where Partial funding for this fact sheet was I Will this fruit tree, nut tree, or small provided by Pennsylvania's Wild fruit shrub need cross-pollination with the plant grows in the wild, or consult a Resource Conservation Fund. a plant of a different variety to yield a native plant book for cultural Illustrations crop? information. John Sidelinger: squirrel, chickadee Many apple trees need cross-pollination Rae Chambers: wild grape, dogwood, with a different apple variety to bear I What type of soil does this plant prefer? How alkaline or acidic should hawthorn fruit. Most nut trees yield a crop only if the soil pH be for this plant? a tree of the opposite sex is planted Types of soil include loam, sandy, or clay nearby. Holly, sumac, and spicebush soil. You can find out what soil type and require both sexes to set fruit. Thus it is pH your plant needs from the nursery best to ask about pollination require- where you bought the plant. You can ments when you purchase your plant. determine the pH of your soil by submitting a sample to your county I Will this plant be hardy in my area? Winter climate zones in this state are extension office for testing. zone 5 (average minimum temperature ­20° to ­10°F) and zone 6 (­10° to I How should I plant and care for my new plant? 0°F). Your area may include microcli- Upon request, most nurseries will supply mates where temperatures may be colder information about how to plant, water, or warmer than these zones. Your county and nurture your new plant so that it extension office can tell you the will thrive. temperature range for your area. I How much moisture does my plant need? For Further Information It's important to determine how much moisture a particular plant requires so For additional information and sources that it will thrive where you plant it. If of assistance, see: you establish a native plant in its preferred site, then watering and Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 1, fertilizing beyond the first year may not Wildlife-Habitat Relationships be necessary. Mulch the area under the Pennsylvania Wildlife No. 2, canopy to conserve water and maintain Attracting Wildlife: Sources of a consistent root temperature. Assistance COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Visit Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences on the Web: http://www.cas.psu.edu Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research, extension, and resident education programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802. For information telephone (814) 865-6713. Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Legislature. T. R. Alter, Director of Cooperative Extension, The Pennsylvania State University. This publication is available in alternative media on request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimi- nation and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802- 2801, Tel 814-865-4700/V, 814-863-1150/TTY. © The Pennsylvania State University 2001 Rev5M2/01cp